Children from the boarding school in Beliy-Yar region received a school uniform from the «Mairykhsky open pit mine»

The friendship between the Mairykhsky open pit mine and the boarding school in the village of BelyYar is being continued. And the new studying year has become the reason for the next gifts for children from coal miners.

On the celebratory assembly in the BelyYar’s boarding school — there's not a rotten apple in the bunch. Girls and boys only could have dreamed of such a beautiful and functional school uniform. Before this time, the institution itself coped with the clothes tailoring at the manual training lessons. The uniform in the boarding school was being passed from senior to junior boarder.

As for now, the children have got high-quality and fashionable school clothes. That is why local beauties have been spinning in front of the mirror for a long time, trying on new clothes with lace jabot and buttons under the collar. Everyone liked the new clothes and will be happy to wear it.

You are our family, so we will always be with you, will always help you.

Mr.Victor Kozmin, the director of the Mairykhsky open pit mine has assured the children at the celebration

Moreover, coal miners purchased sports suits and sneakers for their sponsored ones. And from several fabric rolls with a length of 560 meters, girls will sew bedclothes at the manual training lessons. Valuable gifts were looked at by the whole staff members.

Of course, for the beginning of the school year we would not have afford such a sum money for school uniforms and other gifts. This is a great help, and for us it has become easier to live. Mairykhsky open pit mine took a small school under his wing. As for now, our only task is to teach and educate in order to make the children healthy - the main task for us.

noted director of the BelyYar’s boarding school Mrs. Tatyana Tolkacheva