The company has been stocking the republican reservoir since 2017. Every season the company produces tens of thousands of fry of different species.
“This is our second event this year. In July, we stocked twenty-five thousand of grayling juveniles”,
This time the Abakan River has been stocked with sterlet. The fry were carefully grown for two and a half months at the Bely Yar fish hatchery, fed live food, accustomed to the environment in which they will live.
“These juveniles have reached a weight of 1 gram and can be stocked. As part of the compensatory measures of the Mairykhsky mine, the Abakan River will be stocked with about fifty thousand of juveniles. This event is not only compensation for damage, they also help to preserve the sterlet population, which is listed in the Red Book of the Republic of Khakassia”,