On June 29, at the Subsurface Management Administration of the Khakassia Republic was held a tender commission meeting.
According to the results of the meeting, the right to use the Beisky-West coal plot was granted to Mairykhsky open pit mine Co. Ltd., which is already working on the plot Mairykhsky’s plot of the Beysky coal deposit.
Participation in the tender for the Beisky-West plot is a part of the development strategy of the COALSTAR holding, which includes the open-pit mine.
The company will receive a 20-year license for the right to explore and mine coal in this area. The plot area is 97,5 square kilometer, balance reserves exceed 1 billion 134 million tons of coal. The period of open pit mining — 34 years.
Thanks to the advanced technologies of coal mining, the company plans to reach a production volume of 20 million tons in 5 years. And this is a real prospect to propel Khakassia to the top in coal mining.
COALSTAR intends to invest more than 50 billion rubles to the implementation of the project, of which more than 1,5 billion will be invested to the environmental protection facilities.
For greening production is planned to use modern equipment with reduced environmental impact and to transport products exclusively by railroad transport to develop the coal plot.
At the implementing included project design, will be created about 3000 new job position for the residents of Khakassia Republic.
Thanks to the commissioning of the new coal plot, various budgets of the republic will receive over 6 billion rubles by taxes and contributions of the company in the first 5 years.
In addition, investments will be made to the socio-economic development of the Beisky and Altai regions of the republic, in which there is a subsoil plot.