190 disabled children of the Altai district received New Year gifts, which were delivered by a special Santa Claus bus with funny artists and a children's entertainment program. A New Year performance with fairy-tale characters, contests and a festive lunch was organized for the pupils of the Bely Yar boarding school under the patronage of the Mairykhsky open pit mine.
In the gifts there was a kilogram of delicious sweets, an anti-stress pillow, a mug, a calendar notebook, a kaleidoscope and a letter form to Santa Claus to fulfill their most cherished desires. All the gifts featured a rabbit — a symbol of the coming year.
Children and teachers’ eyes are sparkling with joy and happiness. Of course, we thank the company very much. We have been cooperating with the Mairykhsky open pit mine for more than five years. They give us a variety of gifts every year.
785 children, whose fathers and mothers are employees of the Mairykhsky open pit mine, traditionally received New Year's gifts from Santa Claus. The company also prepared sweet gifts for the children of Khakassia, who will gather at the Republican Christmas tree, and for the Sunday school students at the St. John the Theologian Church of Chernogorsk.